Monday, September 5, 2016

Labor Day weekend 2016

Here I am with dad at Terry and Carina's home.  Kind of quiet here, as there is no one else around,  'cept the big old red dog who likes to slobber all over people.  
What did we do?
1.  Helped Kathy can some beans.... Unbelievable the produce around here; gazillions of tomatoes, canned and fresh, in jars, boxes, and on the vine.  Beans.  Cucumbers.  Grapes. Eggplant. Carrots, Pumpkins, squash, celery, cabbage... I missed a few.
2. Took a ride with pops, by the places "I used to know who lived there".  Old neighbors have long gone from the neighborhood, replaced by the younger generations of big farmers.
3.  Tried a short walk outside but Dad wasn't too game for that.
4,  Gordon stopped by, and Abby, Julia and ET.  Grandpa got a chance to hold ET