Saturday, October 9, 2010

Proverbs 27:17 (The Message) You use steel to sharpen steel,
and one friend sharpens another.

I was gabbing on the phone with Abby the other day and she told me about a new friend who she adores. She met this gal a Bible Study, and she quickly found out her aspiration to get into the Pharmacy program at SDSU. So, now Abby has a freshman, and sophmore she is mentoring to help them get into the program, and a junior who was accepted (with Abby's coaching). I told her Breanna R. wants to be a pharmacist as well, and she had all kinds of ideas to help her. Since Abby will be moving on for her last 2 years in the program, she won't be around to help Breanna. She figures one of her mentorees will have to take over and help Breanna. I am sure that Abby is also mentoring them spiritually, that is just the kind of woman she is. Keep up the good work, AL!

Iron sharpening iron: building the body of Christ through mentoring
“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” It’s one of the more famous proverbs in the Bible, and it points to a basic truth: one of our most important jobs as Christians and as human beings is to help each other grow in the faith.
October 9, 2010 from Anna (facebook)

KA ‎...Kj's breakfast story...There was Cari, and Nana. And there were 2 pools! They were pretending to be alligators. And who else? Abby . There were steps. Nana and Cari and Kj sit on some steps and we put we feet in the water and they swim right by us. That was a funny picture...