Wednesday, October 19, 2011

"When my mouth chews hard things, it's like a marching band in my mouth." ~Kj (3 1/2)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Frog Poem

Two frogs fell into a can of cream,
Or so I've heard it told.
The sides of the can were shiny and steep,
The cream was deep and cold.

"Oh, what's the use?" croaked number one.
"Tis fate, no help's around.
Good-bye, my friend! Good-bye, sad world!"
And weeping still, he drowned.

But number two, of sterner stuff,
Dog-paddled in surprise.
The while he wiped his creamy face,
And dried his creamy eyes.

"I'll swim awhile at least," he said,
Or so I've heard he said;
"It really wouldn't help the world,
If one more frog were dead."

An hour or two he kicked and swam,
Not once he stopped to mutter,
But kicked and kicked and swam and kicked,
Then hopped out, via butter!