Thursday, November 18, 2010

Mr Glanzer

October 2010
Last week was just really…interesting. Busy at work, home, church…
Spent a lot of time with a Hospice patient, who was also a friend from a long time ago, here in Madison. Only got to spend a few days with him and his wife, but what a treasured time that was. To see how God is at work in the hearts of His people was heartwarming.
Usually I don’t get to spend the last hours with patients and their families, but this time was different. I was called at midnight to help with pain control, and other details. I was tired! But he was alert without a blood pressure and he was able to speak clearly to each of his 4 children on the phone. He asked me what might happen next, and when I told him he would probably fall asleep and wake up and see Jesus, he got the sweetest smile on his face.
“When only your last battle remains to be fought, you shall find that the hand of your conquering Captain has not grown feeble--the living Saviour shall cheer the dying saint.” Charles Spurgeon
I was called back at 4:30 pm because he was restless. I explained that even if he wasn’t speaking, he could probably hear everything. So, we prayed, and sang his favorite hymns, and read scripture. And reminisced about a life well lived. His daughter was there, and she sang a hymn that her sister had written for the folk’s 45th anniversary earlier in the summer. Pastor Tim was called, and he read favorite scriptures (Psalm 23 was one). As we were singing “Jesus Loves Me” and “It Is Well with my Soul” he took his final breaths and did go to see his Savior, I’m certain. I leaned over and whispered in his wife’s ear “he fought the good fight” and she replied “and remained faithful to the end”.
2nd Timothy 4:7 "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."
The other daughter arrived a few minutes later and she was distraught, of course. I took her over near her Dad and she loved on him, touched him, and told him goodbye and how much she loved him. The family spent a lot of time sharing, laughing, and remembering. What a precious time it was for them!
I am amazed to think that people die without a Savior who assures us of eternal life. It is difficult when a loved one dies who knows Jesus; I can’t imagine how a family handles death without this assurance.
The funeral was a tribute to a great man, with the message of salvation distinctly proclaimed.
I am thankful to have had a small part in this whole process. Makes being “the Hospice nurse” worthwhile.
Psalm 90:14
Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love,
that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Proverbs 27:17 (The Message) You use steel to sharpen steel,
and one friend sharpens another.

I was gabbing on the phone with Abby the other day and she told me about a new friend who she adores. She met this gal a Bible Study, and she quickly found out her aspiration to get into the Pharmacy program at SDSU. So, now Abby has a freshman, and sophmore she is mentoring to help them get into the program, and a junior who was accepted (with Abby's coaching). I told her Breanna R. wants to be a pharmacist as well, and she had all kinds of ideas to help her. Since Abby will be moving on for her last 2 years in the program, she won't be around to help Breanna. She figures one of her mentorees will have to take over and help Breanna. I am sure that Abby is also mentoring them spiritually, that is just the kind of woman she is. Keep up the good work, AL!

Iron sharpening iron: building the body of Christ through mentoring
“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” It’s one of the more famous proverbs in the Bible, and it points to a basic truth: one of our most important jobs as Christians and as human beings is to help each other grow in the faith.
October 9, 2010 from Anna (facebook)

KA ‎...Kj's breakfast story...There was Cari, and Nana. And there were 2 pools! They were pretending to be alligators. And who else? Abby . There were steps. Nana and Cari and Kj sit on some steps and we put we feet in the water and they swim right by us. That was a funny picture...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

"Kj: Where my neighbor go? To Africa?
Mama: No, Cari went to Africa.
Kj: And Jesus too?
Mama: Yes.
KJ: Lots of people go there.

"Our eventful day...Kj went to her first Sunday School class...L. laughed when she was tickled...Anna found a mouse on the front step behind the watering can--thankfully not in the house!...and as usual on weekends, Kevin's list was long and his girls (all 3) wanted a lot of attention

Saturday, April 24, 2010

do justly, love mercy

I have been listening to a book on CD as I drive around the country to visit my home care/hospice patients. It is just a novel; but the name of a character in the book intrigued me. Actually it was the names of the main character and her twin brother: DJ and LoveMercy. The names came from Micah 6:8. Do Justly and Love Mercy. When I first heard it I thought "naw, that isn't what it says" but when I looked it up here is what the Bible says (and I remember it being one of Kevin's life verses):
What does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?
Then, right after I looked it up, I sat down to read the daily devotion for April 24: of course it was based on Micah 6:1-8. They talked about what matters most in life, and discussed how people can get so involved in sports: "I have always loved sports, but I know that they can easily become more important than they should be; what matters most in life is what Jesus said is most vital--loving God with all of our hearts and loving our neighbors as ourselves. Micah listed God's requirements this way: do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God. For believers in Jesus, it is vital that nothing else takes a top priority over God's expectations for you."
I was looking through facebook and found this video of Tim Tebow showing his priorities for life. Thought it was interesting, and food for thought!