Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2012 9:43 PM
Subject: Prayer request

Just found out my nephew Jordan has leukemia. He attends high school in Watertown.
Please pray for him and his family.  A miracle this was discovered and is treatable:

Jordan has leukemia.  We found spots in his bones taking an mri for torn
cartilages.  He doesn't show any other symptoms.  Will start chemotherapy
next week.  It is a 3-year course of treatment.  Plans to swim bald this
winter.  God has great plans for him. tdl

September 26:   Saw him Friday.  He had just finished his chemo for the week, gets pretty sick from it but bounces back.  He said he has missed 12 of 21 days of high school, his Junior year. Thanks for praying for him!