Saturday, January 24, 2015

Home Health/hospice nasty week in January

Last week at work was .....awful.
1-2 admissions daily, 4 IV patients. 2 hospice admits, one died in less than 24 hrs.
10 hr days.
Foot Clinic with grossest toes I have ever seen. Would have taken a picture if I could but was nearly barfing at the site/ smells associated.
One man insisted he is a gal.  Difficult to not say yes Ma'am .... Long hair kept getting in the PICC dressing change I was attempting.
Missed water Zumba Monday and Wednesday as I was still at work at 5:30.
I snapped on Tuesday when I was hours behind and the phone kept ringing with new admits. Referrals. Transitions. And "Prn nurse has other plans".
Me:  " can't take this anymore! Whine."
  Prn nurse was able to help Wednesday which lightened things up a bit. 

Thursday was 10 hours of trimming nails...but a bonus as the State Survey team showed up at the office at 0830.  Too bad I was assigned to foot clinic and unable to participate!!
The good news: we are deficiency free. Because we pay attention to all those details! Wish that a goal would be to simplify all those details! Instead we just keep adding to them.
So we'll see what they say when I get a bit of overtime on the next paycheck! A big no no .  But they can't say I didn't warn them!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015