Thursday, August 27, 2015

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Missing Buffalo August 22 2014

Madison Prostrollo
Has anyone seen our missing buffalo?

He ran away..
Did you find the buffalo??? Hope it is in one piece!!!

Heading north on 81 this morning
He stopped by our school in Lake Preston!!
Come back, come back Mr. Buffalo!!!

Well, SOMEONE has to say this:  "Oh, give me a home, where the buffalo roam."

Nice! Today I was explaining to a guest at PV how to get some where in Madison, I said when you get to the big buffalo turn left! He looked at me like I was nuts, now I know why! But he just said ok and walked out. Hope the big buffalo finds his way home!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Weekend Twins getaway August 15

Family outing to see the Twin's play; they happened to win the game 4-1 vs the Cleveland Indians.
Went to splash pad, the locks of the Mississipi river, Kevanna went to a wedding Saturday. 
Stayed at Days Inn St Paul, took the light rail to Target field Sunday afternoon.  Found the Organ lady!
Long trip home, the kids were troupers and traveled well.
Anthony blew a tire and needed to get it replaced Sunday morning.  Thankful they could find a place open to help out!

August 2015

Nasty week....
Tuesday (August 5) I got a bad UTI again but managed to work and get to Howard and back.  Cipro 500 mg   bid for 7 days from MPoppens.  Didn't feel great all week.
Saturday Abby called and said she was having terrible RLQ pain and nausea she went to the ER, I started out to Watertown (10pm) but then Anthony said Tom and Amy were headed back to stay with the girls.  No more baby Brown :( .  Sadness....
Early Sunday morning Terry started in with a kidney stone.  He did make it to church at 0630 to turn on the AC.  I went for music then came then he was feeling better.
That's all
That's enough!......