Saturday, April 24, 2010

do justly, love mercy

I have been listening to a book on CD as I drive around the country to visit my home care/hospice patients. It is just a novel; but the name of a character in the book intrigued me. Actually it was the names of the main character and her twin brother: DJ and LoveMercy. The names came from Micah 6:8. Do Justly and Love Mercy. When I first heard it I thought "naw, that isn't what it says" but when I looked it up here is what the Bible says (and I remember it being one of Kevin's life verses):
What does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?
Then, right after I looked it up, I sat down to read the daily devotion for April 24: of course it was based on Micah 6:1-8. They talked about what matters most in life, and discussed how people can get so involved in sports: "I have always loved sports, but I know that they can easily become more important than they should be; what matters most in life is what Jesus said is most vital--loving God with all of our hearts and loving our neighbors as ourselves. Micah listed God's requirements this way: do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God. For believers in Jesus, it is vital that nothing else takes a top priority over God's expectations for you."
I was looking through facebook and found this video of Tim Tebow showing his priorities for life. Thought it was interesting, and food for thought!

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